The creative process has always been a part of me, it has flowed through my veins like blood, necessary as air.
In Minnesota where I was born, Minnehaha Falls was one of my favorite places. When I drove to California, I marveled how the mountains, sunsets, and the terrain looked; just like pictures in the National Geographic. I stopped to pick dry brush at the side of the road, I was attracted to the textures and forms in nature.
So it is no wonder my work may look and feel like a knotty tree, a windy day, a sunset, a creviced mountain. Truly Iʼm influenced by the vastness and colors in nature, not just the beauty of a sunset, but also the decay of a tree, or the shimmer of oil floating on water. Yet, I’m always challenged to turn left instead of right and contradict myself with a new style or process.
Earning a living I have worn several hats I have had my own business creating floral gift items for Disneyland and other companies, owned a midrange computer company, graphic designer in a civil engineer company. My adult schooling covered sales, business, graphic design, and floral design and art classes.
One of my series is “Earth to Ocean” a series of paintings. Drawn in and built up with gesso, then painted in oil, some are touch with a few ceramic pieces which add interest and depth. The compositions show impressions of the ocean, and vastness of earth. Contemporary in style the paintings give me a sense of scuba diving, in my mind I see a mystery under a rock or the feel the current of the ocean.
For the last ten years I have exhibited and run my own gallery in the in the historical Santora Arts Building, Santa Ana, CA. with my grown artist/musician son, Nathan. I’m always grateful to him for his help and encouragement.
I’m now exhibiting in various places: the OC Creatives gallery in Laguna Beach, AvantGarden in the Santora, and excited to exhibit in the Pita Jungle, Newport Beach, my studio/gallery is now in my Costa Mesa, ‘la garrage.
Now I salute the future, new adventures in art and life.
Kathie Warren
- 2014 -
rt is an
artiskathie.wix.com/kathie-warren/Kathie Warren artist in California, artist in California